Nutrition & lifestyle coaching without the shame.

You are already enough.

That’s the message I want you to come away with when we work together.

Our world tells us constantly that we’re not enough.
That we need to do more, look different, have it all together, be perfect…

But here you have permission to do things imperfectly. You have permission to go at your own speed. And you have permission to accept yourself as you are right now.

The diet, fitness, and wellness industries have sold us a lot of lies.

Things like…

“Weight loss is the only way to improve your health.”
”Carbs are bad for you.”
”The harder you push yourself, the more results you’ll see.”
”This detox program will fix all your problems.”
”What worked for me will also work for everyone else.”

And the majority of it is BS.

With all the conflicting information and nonsense out there, it can be hard to know what to believe or where to start. And it can be even harder when you’ve tried to improve your health in the past without lasting results.

It can seem like investing in your health will always mean pain & struggle.

But that doesn’t have to be true.

Wellbeing is not about earning the right to feel good in the future.

Wellbeing is about engaging in practices that help you feel good now.

Wellbeing looks different for every person and their unique life circumstances, environment, history, body, desires, and preferences.

While evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle coaching is the foundation of what I do, what I really love is helping my clients learn to tap into their own inner wisdom. To lean into the things that resonate and to give themselves grace as they experiment with what wellbeing looks and feels like for them.

You don’t have listen to the voices telling you that you have to do things their way and fit into their mold.
You don’t have to believe that feeling better for the long term is unattainable.
You don’t have to keep struggling in the hopes that some day it will pay off.

You can learn how to trust yourself, accept yourself, and feel good now.

Enough shame. Enough comparison. Enough self-doubt.

Together we can cut through the noise, break free from the lies, and find the tools & habits that will work for YOU.